
Fretboard Yoga

Musical meditation

Learn guitar, ukulele, mandolin, or bass through lessons designed to build dexterity, flexibility, and make music mindfully.  

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Good news! 

Hi fellow music lovers, 

I wanted to let you know that my Fretboadyoga website is back up!  A lot of you asked me about this and I didn't realise how many of you were still enjoying the videos and using the subscription service.  Honestly, I kind of lost steam on it after I couldn't seem to get many views on YouTube or make much progress on my video editing skills.  I was looking for somebody to help with the project because it takes so much time to shoot, edit, and market that I had to take a break. 

I'm about to travel through Mexico and Central America and am hoping to pick up a lot of new skills, songs, and inspiration.  For those that are subscribing, I will do my best to post some lesson videos for you on what I learn!  Thank you for helping continue the website and I hope to bring you lots more lessons when I'm back and have a solid place to live. 

In the meantime, feel free to follow me on Instagram or Facebook for pictures and videos from my travels. 

Big love, 


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